Euro-Room Hostel
ul. Wielopole 11/4
31-072 Kraków
Tel.: +48 12 421 03 71

Bank transfer data:
Recipient: Euro-Room II
ul. Wielopole 11/4
31-072 Kraków

Account number:
37 2490 0005 0000 4600 9021 8199
IBAN PL27 2490 0005 0000 4500 2951 2433

Alior Bank SA 
ul.Domaniewska 52
02-672 Warszawa


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Tours & Transfers

Wieliczka Salt Mine. The Miners’ Route

Wieliczka Salt Mine. The Miners’ Route

A mining expedition requires a special setting – a dedicated route, proper equipment and, obviously, daredevils who wish to experience an exciting adventure. The specifically designed Miners’ Route in the Wieliczka Salt Mine allows the visitors to put themselves in miners’ shoes and gain an insight into the underground life of the Mine.


Price: from 160 PLN
